'Toynbee at War' - CCW Director, Dr Rob Johnson, on BBC Radio 4

'Toynbee at War' - CCW Director, Dr Rob Johnson, on BBC Radio 4

Hear CCW Director, Dr Rob Johnson, speak about the renowned historian, Arnold J Toynbee, on BBC Radio 4's programme, 'Toynbee at War'. In the programme, Polly Toynbee examines how war profoundly informed the vision of her grandfather, His generation were slaughtered on the Flanders fields but Toynbee's life took him on a different path. 'History is as melancholy as war itself'...

Summary Report: ‘Russian Views on the Changing Character of War’

Summary Report: ‘Russian Views on the Changing Character of War’

Conference chaired by CCW’s newly appointed Director of Research on Russia and North European Defence and Security, Dr Andrew Monaghan. This inaugural event brought together leading subject matter specialists from academia, the private sector, public policy and the military to facilitate a detailed discussion about the evolution of Russian national security thinking...

Conference Report: ‘Britain’s Defence Policy: Alliance, Coalitions, and Partnerships’

On September 12th, in partnership with the Norwegian Ministry of Defence and the Ax:Son Johnson Foundation, the Changing Character of War Centre was pleased to host the conference ‘Britain’s Defence Policy: Alliance, Coalitions, and Partnerships’. The event was structured as a series of presentations and debate sessions, chaired by Dr Rob Johnson, Director at CCW, and Professor Janne Haaland Matlary, Head of the International Politics section at the University of Oslo and adjunct professor at the Norwegian Command and Staff College. Aimed at the composition of an edited volume due to be published next year, the seminars brought together a diverse range of panellists from the universities of Oxford, Exeter and Oslo, the United States’ National Security Council, NATO, École Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr, the Norwegian Staff College, the Norwegian Institute for Defense Studies, and both the UK and Norwegian Armed Forces.

            The discussions were divided into four main categories, each pertinent to the formulation of contemporary British strategy: British Strategic Thinking about Britain’s Role; the ‘Special Relationship’ and Britain’s NATO role; French, German and EU Policy; and Britain’s Leading Role in Northern Europe. These sessions spurred in-depth debate, confronting a broad range of issues from the UK’s new aircraft carriers to the evolving state of NATO. Overall, this marked the critical need - in the midst of on-going Brexit negotiations, an unpredictable Trump administration, and instances of Russian aggression in Europe - not only to clarify the position for Whitehall policy-makers, but also to further investigate foreign perspectives of British strategy.

Norwegian Newspaper Excerpt .JPG

'What would be the Ten Main Characteristics of a War between the United States and North Korea?' by Dr Rob Johnson

'What would be the Ten Main Characteristics of a War between the United States and North Korea?' by Dr Rob Johnson

A great deal of attention is currently focussed on the possibility of a conflict between the United States and North Korea, but what would be the character of a war between these powers if it actually broke out?  Recent conflicts and current military preparedness would only be a guide to the very early stages, and there are much more significant implications to consider. Here are ten possible characteristics for analysts to think through...

"Venezuela’s instability has far broader implications. Here’s what’s at stake." By Dr Annette Idler

 "Venezuela’s instability has far broader implications. Here’s what’s at stake." By Dr Annette Idler


Venezuela’s instability has far broader implications. Here’s what’s at stake.

Venezuela seems locked in a downward political and economic spiral. But what happens in Venezuela has far broader implications for international security....

Lawrence of Arabia and Britain’s War in the Desert, 1916-1918

Lawrence of Arabia and Britain’s War in the Desert, 1916-1918

To mark the centenary of the capture of Aqaba, Dr Rob Johnson and Dr John Peaty brought together some colleagues and friends to discuss Lawrence and Britain’s desert war at Pembroke College, Oxford. The speakers were John Peaty, Dr Neil Faulkner, Gp Capt John Alexander, Maj Dr Paul Knight and Dr Rob Johnson. The event was part funded by the Oxford Changing Character of War Centre and the Society for Army Historical Research.