CRS Annual Conference 2017

The Changing Character of War Centre were delighted to co-host the Conflict Research Society’s 2017 Conference, held on the 18th and 19th September at Pembroke College, Oxford. It marked CRS’ largest event to date and brought together 180 participants from a broad array of countries and academic disciplines. With a panel discussion chaired by Andrea Ruggeri, the conference began with the reflections of Anke Hoeffler, Richard Caplan, and Peter Wilson. This conversation, pictured here in the Pichette Auditorium, highlighted the magnitude of considerations that are vital for a contemporary understanding of conflict and peacekeeping. Namely, the subsequent small-group debating sessions tackled issues ranging from the conceptual perceptions of peace to gender dynamics of conflicts, and from religious hostilities to the capacity of international institutions to conduct peacekeeping operations.

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